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About the Author
Bengt Hällgren, born and raised in Sweden, studied theology, languages, and later engineering. Before his retirement he worked as an education and research coordinator at the University of Karlstad, Sweden. Carol Hällgren, born and raised in California, studied languages, art, and dance. Most of her professional life she has worked as a dance teacher. Bengt and Carol met as exchange students in Germany, and Carol later moved to Sweden to marry Bengt. They have since been engaged in youth exchange on both high school and university levels as volunteers, host parents, and as contact family. They have a long experience of helping exchange students and other newcomers to the country to learn Swedish.
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren PDF
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren EPub
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren Doc
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren iBooks
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren rtf
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren Mobipocket
From English to Swedish 1: A basic Swedish textbook for English speaking students (Volume 1)
By Bengt Hällgren Kindle